Our track record


For six years running, our school (in current and pre-pandemic locations) has graduated every student in the Grade 7 Class. These students must pass Standardized National exams, conducted off-site, under rigorous testing criteria. In contrast, our nearest neighbouring school last year had a 0% Grade 7 Class pass rate, meaning that no student graduated by successfully passing the National exams.


Our construction uses bricks that are half the cost of regular bricks, produce zero carbon in their manufacture, and have a more refined and beautiful appearance. We make these bricks using our own manual machines, employing local workers and materials. Our YouTube channel has over 20,000 views, and our Brick-making Tutorial section has the largest collection of Interlocking Brick instruction videos and documents in the world.


We are on track to attaining the SuperRadiance number for Uganda. Our students meditate together in large groups twice daily, and we have no exceptions to our meditation requirement. All staff meditate daily, and we are culturing a parent group to meditate daily at the school as well.

Our student’s most-emphasized comment is that our school atmosphere is very harmonious and coherent. The students relish the ‘No-Caning’ protocols that we follow. Although corporal punishment is illegal in Uganda schools, it is still widespread. This factor attracts parents more than all other factors combined. In creating harmony and bliss, we attract more and more students, allowing for a growing network of schools across Africa. Within 25 years, over 55% of the planet’s youth will reside in Africa. This continent offers hope and promise for all humanity.